Back to Newcastle for my placement week which was at Media 19 I was introduced to Belinda and given a brief of what I will be working on which was Campaign Trail UK a 3-year social media cross-platform project devised and produced by Media 19 a project dedicated for Young people (16-25) who are at a time of change and transition in their lives are designing their own public awareness campaigns and media projects about who they are, how they feel and the issues that affect their lives through Mapping their area.
Later during the day I took pictures of my journey from Media 19 to my house and took pictures that had a meaning to me and pictures that had historic value like the Grey’s Monument of Newcastle.
I worked on the Mapping project using the pictures I took from the day before to create a short movie using simple tools that youngsters can learn quickly (Movie Maker and Paint) after developing the short video which took most of the day.
Belinda and I had a meeting about how we can get the youngsters to interact with the mapping project, so I looked into trying to use Google Maps. The meeting also discussed the funding of the project and gave me an insight how the funding works which was useful.
Researched how to use Google maps effectively to serve the project’s cross platform concept looked into setting up different accounts and uploading pictures of location which youngsters might like to be involved with
Later during the day we travelled to Mima (Middlesbrough Museum of Modern Art) in Middlesbrough for a meeting with the education officer to pitch partnership of Campaign Trail UK. It was very interesting to see how media specially a project of this scope can be transferred to an art gallery.
I pitched my full project which included the short video. Google maps. The game concept using the “user journey” technique I got good feedback from Belinda and Nick which lead to them asking me to help them further with this project and its development.
Overall I am very pleased with the Placement it’s not what I was expecting, it might not of had the high end post production work that I was hopping but I experienced something more valuable that i will probably never have came across and I completely admire how Media 19 use Creative media and cross platform to solve problems within the community that really inspired me
The passion and determination that Belinda posse for this project has really pushed me to work hard and really enjoy it
Best of all Belinda gave me a thank you card which was really nice of her.